Boston Road Defects Lawyers
Roads that aren’t properly maintained can cause serious problems to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. In addition to the occurrence of preventable accidents, defective roads can cause property damage and personal injury to victims. Local municipalities are typically responsible for repairing damage to roads.
When accidents occur because of a maintenance oversight, the responsible organizations should be held legally and financially responsible for any occurring damages. The Boston attorneys at Crowe & Harris, LLP , understand that many people are injured in preventable road defect accidents, and we work diligently to help people receive the necessary compensation.
Common Causes of Road Defects Accidents
A variety of road defects are common, especially in urban settings. Though a variety of occurrences could cause an accident, the following road defects cause car accidents most frequently:
- Shoulder Drop-Off
- Potholes
- Uneven Pavement
- Lack of Posted Signs
- Lack of Guardrails
- Construction Site Negligence
- Municipal Negligence
Shoulder Drop-Off
Without a well-maintained and broad shoulder beside the roadway, drivers are at a heightened risk of losing control of their vehicle should one of their tires drop off the road surface for any reason. Since municipalities and construction companies are responsible for maintaining the various stretches of roadway across the state, they should be aware of this danger. Even a relatively small shoulder drop-off can significantly impair a driver’s ability to maintain control of his or her vehicle, especially at higher rates of speed. There is no reason that the conditions of your accident should have ever been allowed to exist to begin with.
Few things are as annoying to drivers as a giant pothole right in the middle of the road. They seem to pop up right in the most difficult spots to avoid, and seem to stay there indefinitely without ever being filled. Unfortunately, the damages caused by potholes can go far beyond mild frustration. The presence of severe potholes can cause massive damages to your vehicle, or cause wrecks with drivers who swerve to avoid running over them at higher speeds.
At Crowe & Harris, LLP , our attorneys are all too familiar with the state of potholes in Massachusetts roads, and we are also familiar with clients who have suffered in car accidents caused by these potholes. If you or someone you know is facing costs of repair for damages caused by potholes, or dealing with a car accident caused by a pothole, we may be able to help.
Damage Caused by Potholes
People are often surprised by the extent of damage that can be caused by hitting a pothole at a moderate to high speed. Remember that vehicles are comprised of many systems working together to make it go, and any number of these systems could suffer from running over a large pothole. Some of the most common areas to receive damage from going over potholes are:
- Tires
- Suspension
- Shocks
- Steering
- Alignment
One of the most rampant issues caused by potholes is tire damage, which can lead to blowouts at high speeds that may also cause devastating collisions.
Uneven Pavement
If uneven pavement occurs on a stretch of highway that is under construction, proper warning signs should be posted in order to call your attention to the issue in time for you to slow down. However, this is not always the case. Additionally, uneven pavement can result from conditions other than present construction, which will make it less noticeable to you until after you’ve run over it. A few common causes of uneven pavement are as follows:
- Poor maintenance
- Erosion of the soil underneath the road
- Extended wear from vehicles
- Disruption from tree roots
Driving instructors often warn their students about the potential dangers of poor road conditions, but even an experienced driver could lose control of a vehicle if he or she hits an obstruction at high speeds.
Accidents Caused by Lack of Posted Signs
ne of the most integral elements of smoothly flowing and safe traffic is the proper posting and visibility of road signs. Road signs are the number one method of communicating road conditions and rules to drivers. Therefore, when these road signs are not posted or damaged to the point that they are unreadable, more accidents are likely to happen and more injuries are likely to occur. Depending on the type of road, local and state organizations in Massachusetts are responsible for maintaining road signs. That means if a sign is not posted properly or a damaged sign is not replaced promptly, it could be the result of negligence.
At Crowe & Harris, LLP , we believe that negligence resulting in accidents or injuries cannot go unanswered. If you or someone you know has suffered in an accident related to lack of posted signs, our Boston road defect attorneys may be able to help you.
Lack of Guardrails
For many drivers, guardrails fall into the category of things you don’t know you need until you do. Guardrails are often designed to be inconspicuous and out of the way for vehicles on the road, and as a result many drivers do not even notice them. However, individuals who have been involved in accidents that occur in areas where guardrails should have been will quickly attest to their immense value.
Guardrails prevent all sorts of accidents from occurring and help to limit the damage incurred. Local and state organizations are responsible for maintaining roadways, and this responsibility includes installation and upkeep of guardrail in areas where their presence is necessary. When governing officials fail to place or maintain guardrails that should have helped mitigate the effects of your car accident, you may have grounds for pursuing compensation from the accountable party.
The following is a list of potentially severe car accidents that occur more frequently when guardrails are not present:
- Rollover accidents
- Head-on collisions
- Sliding or rolling off of steep roads
- Side-swiping accidents
Many incidents involving the above types of accidents could be avoided if the responsible parties were more diligent in installing and maintaining guardrails.
Construction Site Negligence
When construction site negligence threatens Massachusetts drivers in their vehicles, the potential for damage increases exponentially. A few common hazards found in or around construction sites that often lead to car accidents are:
- Falling objects
- Potholes
- Lack of guardrails
- Lack of posted warning signs
- Uneven pavement
- Debris on the roadway
Negligence on the construction site can lead to various road defects. At Crowe & Harris, LLP , our lawyers seek to bring negligent parties to justice in the wake of an accident that easily could have been prevented. If you are a victim of construction site negligence, it is in your best interest to seek the advice and assistance of a qualified attorney.
Municipal Negligence
Local governments have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of their municipalities. We pay taxes so that local government officials will do things like keep our public parks beautiful and our roads safe to drive on. Unfortunately, the failure to maintain safe road conditions can result in dangerous accidents that harm drivers and others on or near the road. At Crowe & Harris, LLP , we understand that citizens have a right to trust their municipal governments to dutifully maintain road conditions. When the city neglects maintaining the roads, it can lead to dangerous conditions that can cause serious car accidents.
In the event that you are injured because of a road defect, seeking the legal help of an experienced Boston roadway defect lawyer could be useful in successfully pursuing damage compensation. If you are curious about your eligibility to take legal action, contact an attorney.
Contact a Road Defects Attorney in Boston
When injuries caused by road defects result in traumatic injuries, related medical costs can be financially debilitating to victim and their families. The attorneys at Crowe & Harris, LLP , have successfully fought for many Massachusetts personal injury victims.
To learn more about your rights and legal options in the aftermath of a road defects accident, call our offices at (617) 404-3417.