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Medication Errors: When Prescription Mistakes Lead to Harm

Medication Errors

Medication errors are a serious issue that can have devastating consequences for patients. Medication errors can lead to harmful outcomes, whether it's a mix-up at the pharmacy, a mistake made by a healthcare provider, or an error in self-administration.

Types of Medication Errors:

Several different types of medication errors can occur at various stages of the prescription and administration process. One common type is prescribing errors, which involve mistakes in writing or entering prescription information. This can include incorrect dosages, drug interactions, or allergies that are not taken into account. Dispensing errors occur when the wrong medication or dosage is given to a patient by a pharmacist. Administration errors happen when healthcare providers give medications incorrectly, such as administering them through the wrong route or at the wrong time.

Causes of Medication Errors:

Medication errors can be caused by a variety of factors, including miscommunication between healthcare providers, lack of knowledge about medications, distractions in busy clinical settings, and fatigue. Electronic health record systems can also contribute to errors if they are not properly designed or maintained. Patients themselves can also play a role in medication errors by not providing accurate information about their medical history or failing to follow instructions for taking their medications.

Preventing Medication Errors:

Several steps can be taken to prevent medication errors and ensure patient safety. Healthcare providers should always double-check prescriptions before they are filled and administered to patients. Pharmacists should verify prescriptions and educate patients on how to take their medications properly. Patients should also take an active role in their own care by keeping track of their medications and asking questions about any discrepancies they may notice.

Boston Medical Malpractice Attorneys

If you or a loved one has experienced a medication error in Boston, MA, it's important to understand that you have options. At Crowe & Harris, LLP, we specialize in medical malpractice cases, including those involving prescription mistakes. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to helping you navigate the legal process and fight for your deserved compensation. We understand the complexities of these cases and are committed to holding negligent parties accountable. Contact us today at (617) 404-3417 to learn how we can assist you during this difficult time. Your health and justice are our top priorities.
