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Why Are Hospital Errors Still So Common?


It is normally considered atrocious to let something as self-serving as profit margins determine matters in anything that could influence the welfare of the public. However, according to The Modern Voice, money seems to sum up the reality of what America has decided will influence the practice of medicine.

According to critics, President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, is to blame for medicine’s problems. Since its approval in 2010, 20 million more Americans now have access to healthcare, making it difficult for doctors and hospitals to handle the sudden influx of patients. Such increased inpatient rates are said to cause medical errors such as misdiagnoses, incorrect dispensing of medications, and even unnecessary amputations.

Our personal injury attorneys at Crowe & Harris, LLP  have the legal experience and technical know-how needed to provide our clients in Massachusetts with legal assistance in cases such a wrongful death, hospital negligence, and surgical errors, among others. Call our offices today at (617) 404-3417 to learn more about our services.
