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Early Mammograms Can Help Save Lives, According to a Recent Stud


A newly conducted study is suggesting that mammograms should be done by women at an earlier age so that aggressive breast cancer can be avoided.

According to a study by Harvard Medical School, out of 609 confirmed breast cancer deaths between 1990 and 2007 at Harvard hospitals, 71 percent, or 395, of the victims did not undergo mammogram testing prior to their cancer diagnosis. Half of the deaths were in women not even 50 years old, with only 30 percent of the deaths occurring in women 70 years old or older.

With the study found that the median age of women dying because of breast cancer is 49 and the median age of women with breast cancer who die of a different cause is 72, it is implied that women under 50 should have more aggressive means of screening against breast cancer.

Unfortunately, the negligence of medical professionals can sometimes result in delayed or wrong diagnoses of cancer. To learn more about this if you’ve been treated improperly in Massachusetts, talk to a lawyer from Crowe & Harris, LLP , by calling (617) 404-3417.
