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Medical Malpractice Costs Remain Somewhat Stable


According to the 2013 ASHRM Hospital Professional Liability Benchmark report, medical malpractice claim costs are in their slowest growing period since the study’s inception 14 years ago.

Erik Johnson, the study’s author, said that health care liability claims are influenced by geographic, societal, and technological factors. Since these factors are highly monitored and stationary, “ a low inflationary environment for medical malpractice” cases results.

According to the report, medical malpractice claims in 2014 are projected to represent $0.60 per every $100 of hospital revenue or an average of $135 per hospital admission.

Physician Employment TrendsHealth care organizations save money by using their physicians’ self-insurance facilities to promote patient safety and jointly defend medical malpractice claims.

If you or someone you know have suffered from negligent hospital care in Massachusetts, contact Crowe & Harris, LLP  at (617) 404-3417. We can help you learn more about your legal options.
