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Massachusetts’ Stricter Teen Driving Laws Appear to Have Worked


Massachusetts’ laws on teen driving resulted in a decrease of fatal accidents, according to Medical Daily on June 8.

Across the United States, seven teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 lose their lives every day in car accidents. However, tighter teen driver restrictions in Massachusetts are purportedly being attributed as the cause of the recent 40% reduction in fatal vehicular accidents and injuries in the state. Supervision is now required when teens are driving at night until age 18, as teens were found to more frequently drive while sleep deprived.

Vehicular crashes decreased by 19% and over-all nighttime crashes decreased by 29%.

After their first vehicular offense, teens now must experience a 60-day driver’s license suspension, rather than only a small $35 ticket.

Other states, including Connecticut, New York, and Virginia, have followed suit by implementing similar driving rules for teenagers.

If you have been injured in an accident caused by a negligent driver in Massachusetts, you may be able to pursue financial compensation to cover any damages. Call Crowe & Harris, LLP , at (617) 404-3417 today to learn more.
